11月6日(月)及び7日(火)「SIAC Academy “Time and Cost Savers at SIAC: Emergency Arbitration, Expedited Procedure and Early Dismissal”」のご案内

会員向けお知らせ, 一般向けお知らせ

本年11月6日(月)及び7日(火)に、当協会がSupporting Organisationとして後援する以下のセミナーが開催されますので、御案内いたします。参加を御希望の方は、以下のリンク先にてお申込みいただきますようお願い申し上げます。

SIAC Academy “Time and Cost Savers at SIAC: Emergency Arbitration, Expedited Procedure and Early Dismissal”




2017年11月6日(月)及び7日(火) 8時~18時



Arbitration Practitioners

  • Theory and practice of Arbitration and Early Dismissal
  • Workshops on drafting and handling applications for Emergency Interim Relief, Expedited Procedure and Early Dismissal with the support and guidance of facilitators experienced in SIAC arbitration


  • Conducting a case as an Emergency Arbitrator and the test for the grant of Emergency Interim Relief
  • Managing a case under the Expedited Procedure
  • Guidelines on hearing an application for the Early Dismissal of a claim or counterclaim

SIAC Secretariat

  • Institutional perspective on the administration of Emergency Arbitration proceedings
  • An inside look at applications for Expedited Procedure and the Secretariat’s role in managing abbreviated timelines

Mock Arbitrations

  • Mock Emergency Arbitration and Emergency Arbitrator Feedback
  • Mock application for Early Dismissal and Tribunal Feedback


Gary Born (Chair)
Prof Lawrence Boo (Chair – Emergency Arbitration) Chan Leng Sun, SC (Chair – Expedited Procedure)
Toby Landau QC (Chair – Early Dismissal)
Alan Thambiayah (Chair – Facilitators and Mock Arbitrations) Dr Michael Hwang, SC
Andre Yeap, SC
Chou Sean Yu
Elliott Geisinger
Alastair Henderson
Kap-You (Kevin) Kim
Paul Sandosham Richard Tan Andrew Yeo

» SIAC Academy 2017 – Details
» SIAC Academy 2017